Keynotes & Fireside Chats

The Honorable Michael McCaul
Member of Congress
U.S. House of Representatives

Broderick Johnson
Executive Vice President, Public Policy & Executive Vice President, Digital Equity

Alan Davidson
Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Communications and Information
National Telecommunications and Information Administration

The Honorable Jake Auchincloss
Member of Congress
U.S. House of Representatives

Geoffrey Starks
Federal Communications Commission
Breakout Panels Session 1
Hope Springs Eternal? Assessing the State of U.S.-EU Digital Cooperation
Speakers | Video | Transcript | Photos
Kids, Cashless Apps, & COPPA: Who’s Protecting Kids’ Fintech Privacy?
Speakers | Video | Transcript | Photos
The 21st Century Digital Economy and the American Workforce: Immersive Technologies, Opportunities and Policy Challenges
Speakers | Video | Transcript | Photos
Breakout Panels Session 2
Once In A Generation Broadband Boost. Can Government Overcome The Hurdles and Close The Gap?
Speakers | Video | Photos | Transcript
The Fragmenting of Internet Governance In An Increasingly Authoritarian World
Speakers | Video | Photos | Transcript
Web3, Metaverse, The Decentralized Web: Is The New Internet Coming?
Speakers | Video | Photos | Transcript
Breakout Panels Session 3
How Can Access to AI Resources Support Human Rights?
Speakers | Video | Photos | Transcript
What Does The New Biden Antitrust Team Mean For Big Tech?
Speakers | Video | Photos | Transcript
What’s Next for Online Content Moderation?
Speakers | Video | Photos | Transcript
State of the Net 2022 Speakers
Below is a list of some of the speakers and panelists for this year’s conference.
Ben Brody
Senior Reporter
Protocol Labs
Thomas Dawson
Founder & Chief Executive Officer
Pruve Systems
Nick Feamster
Director, Center for Data and Computing
University of Chicago
Paul Garnett
Founder & CEO
The Vernonburg Group
Alex Greenstein
Director, Privacy Shield
U.S. Department of Commerce
Russ Hanser
Director of Communications, Policy Initiatives
Sean Heather
Senior Vice President, International Regulatory Affairs
U.S. Chamber of Commerce
Jens- Henrik Jeppesen
Director, Public Policy- Europe, Middle East & Africa
Issie Lapowsky
Chief Correspondant
Emma Llanso
Director, Free Expression Project
Center for Democracy & Technology
Cleve Mesidor
Public Policy Advisor
Blockchain Association
Kurt Opsahl
Deputy Executive Director and General Counsel
Electronic Frontier Foundation
Julie Owono
Executive Director, Content Policy & Society Labs
Stanford Center on Philanthropy & Civil Society
Dr. Susan Persky
Director, Immersive Simulation Program
National Human Genome Research Institute
Aurelien Portuese
Director, Antitrust and Innovation Policy
Information Technology and Innovation Foundation
Devaki Raj
CEO & Founder
Asad Ramzanali
Legislative Director
U.S. House of Representatives
Jessica Rich
Of Counsel
Kelley Dyre & Warren LLP.
Bill Rockwood
Executive Director, Future Forum
U.S. House of Representatives
Amy Schatz
Vice President
Glen Echo Group, LLC.
Sumit Sharma
Tech Competition Lead
Consumer Reports
Charlotte Slaiman
Competition Policy Director
Public Knowledge
Ivana Stradner
Jeane Kirkpatrick Visiting Research Fellow
American Enterprise Institute
Jamie Susskind
Tech Policy Advisor, U.S. Senator Marsha Blackburn
U.S. Senate
Syd Terry
Chief of Staff
U.S. House of Representatives
Rick Lane
Chief Executive Officer
Iggy Ventures
SOTN 2022 Announcements
Diversity At State of the Net 2022
Last month we were thrilled to convene the Internet stakeholder community at the 18th annual State of the Net Conference, the nation’s most prominent Internet policy summit. Speakers at SOTN reflect different perspectives on Internet policy issues. We have long curated the program to highlight differences of opinion among experts from across the spectrum of […]
ICYMI: SOTN Web3 Discussions Harbinger of Biden Crypto Order
Today the Biden Administration issued a sweeping executive order on cryptocurrencies. The Order suggests a more innovation driven and holistic approach to the emerging decentralized Web, beyond cryptocurrencies. Last week’s State of the Net Conference heralded many of the elements in the Biden EO by featuring a keynote by Rep Jake Auchincloss and a panel discussion on decentralized […]
Senate’s Edward J. Markey, White House’s Denice Ross to Keynote State of the Net
We are thrilled to announce Senator Ed Markey and U.S Chief Data Scientist, Denice Ross are joining this year’s list of keynoters at the 18th State of the Net Conference in Downtown DC on February 28. Senator Markey is a consumer champion, a leader on energy, environmental protection and telecommunications policy, and has a prolific […]
🚸 Kids, Cashless Apps, & COPPA: Who’s Protecting Kids’ Fintech Privacy?
The pandemic dramatically accelerated the use of cashless apps among American kids. Postmates snacks and Panera muffins became a swipe away with payment-enabled apps. Who’s protecting kids‘ fintech privacy given that our financial and privacy laws never imagined a world where kids could buy almost anything with a wave of a smartphone? Join us at State of […]
📢 Congressman Michael McCaul & Comcast’s Broderick Johnson To Keynote
We’re thrilled to welcome back the Internet policy community at the 18th State of the Net Conference in downtown DC on February 28th. We have two exciting keynote speakers to announce. The new co-chair of the Congressional Internet Caucus, Congressman Michael McCaul (R-TX), will join us in person. Congressman McCaul has long been a leader on technology issues […]
Date Change: Join Us February 28 in DC
Well, we thought you all would appreciate us pushing back the the State of the Net Conference until Monday, February 28th. Different date but the same time, same place, and same great event. You can reconnect with your Internet policy friends and engage with key policymakers. We have reserved an even larger event/work space from Convene in downtown DC. In […]
Getting There
600 14th Street NW
Washington, District of Columbia 20005 (map)
(888) 730-7307
Download this “How To Find Us” PDF from Convene.
Attendees should use the 14th Street entrance.
Attending the State of the Net ’22 and need a place to stay? We don’t guarantee room accommodations but here are some options for lodging.
Health Notice
We are working to ensure a safe event and will require proof of vaccination for attendees. We will have an onsite medical team to administer complimentary COVID tests for attendees.
Presently, COVID cases in the District of Columbia continue to rapidly trend down. Projections from University of Washington’s IMHE modeling indicate that by February 28 COVID infections in DC per 100,000 will have declined to pre-Omicron levels, and Mayor Murial Bowser has recently rolled back COVID restrictions across the city as infections have dropped.