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The Internet and the Future of Work: Re-imagining Labor in the Age of Disruption



The disruptive power of the Internet to transform markets and industries has been well-documented. From autonomous cars threatening the taxi industry to 3D printing challenging large-scale manufacturing, the future American labor market bears little resemblance to its makeup just a generation ago. Is that for better or for worse? Individuals are reaping the benefits of the on-demand and gig economy, and corporations are starting to talk about exponential increases in productivity from Internet-enabled automation. Yet those workers in those disrupted markets are facing an uncertain future and policymakers are responding to the anxieties of their constituents. Is Internet technology hurting the jobs market, or is it creating opportunities for a shift to high-paying, 21st century positions and an adaptable workforce? This panel will explore the transformation of the U.S. labor force, whether and how policymakers should get involved in managing these enormous shifts,  and the broader economic and social implications of the on-demand economy.

Introductory Remarks By

The Internet and the Future of Work: Re-imagining Labor in the Age of Disruption
Deputy Secretary Christopher Lu, U.S. Department of Labor


The Internet and the Future of Work: Re-imagining Labor in the Age of Disruption

Adam Thierer, Senior Research Fellow and Director, Mercatus Center at George Mason University (Moderator)

The Internet and the Future of Work: Re-imagining Labor in the Age of Disruption

Mary L. Gray, Senior Researcher, Microsoft Research

The Internet and the Future of Work: Re-imagining Labor in the Age of Disruption

Robert Khedouri, Managing Director and Chief Operating Officer, Markle Foundation

The Internet and the Future of Work: Re-imagining Labor in the Age of Disruption

Susan Lund, Partner, McKinsey Global Institute

The Internet and the Future of Work: Re-imagining Labor in the Age of Disruption

Marcela Sapone, Co-Founder & CEO, HelloAlfred

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